Monday, January 11, 2010


I've been wanting to make a regency style dress for myself for at least 10 months. Why I haven't gotten around to it is another post. But, finally, the first step is over - I made the chemise using the Sense and Sensibility pattern.

Flat-felling all the seams was definitely the most, well, trying part of making this. All the rest came quite easily.

It is very cold here!

Before moving on to the stays, I'm going to quit procrastinating and make something that has been on my "to sew" list for too long!
But I have to get some fabric first - good thing those JoAnn's coupons came in the mail today...

P.S. Hope everyone likes the new music!


Elinor Dashwood/Melanie said...

Very nice! :-D I had fun with the chemise; it was my first "big" project (LOL, it doesn't seem like a big project now but it did then! ;-) ); I had lots of fun with the gussets but a terrible time figuring out flat-felling. I finally had to talk to a lady at church about it, and she showed me how it was done. Now it's fun and I've used it on other projects as well (such as a denim jumper :-) ).

Anonymous said...

Everything looks great, all your gifts. But where is my sock?
Love your music.

Unknown said...

Beautiful job!